Monday, July 21, 2008

The Biggest Lie

As much as I hate the partisan politics of candidate bashing, at least such activities tend to spring from some semblance of truth. Much worse in my mind is the pandering of the mainstream media, who would have us believe the best about our Democrat and Republican candidates. Somehow we're supposed to ignore his political record and see Barack Obama as a true apostle of change, a politician representing a new and better politics. And somehow, we're supposed to believe that John McCain's military service 40 years ago makes him a more honest politician today.

Don't believe any of it. This election is more of the same thing, no matter how the media sugarcoats it. Politics is politics and politicians are ultimately concerned with political power and their own personal political legacies. Are we doomed regardless of who is elected? Not really, but that doesn't mean either guy is worth getting excited about. At least the right seems to recognize that a McCain presidency means four years of centrist, moderate rule. I just don't get why the left seems incapable of realizing that an Obama presidency would be mostly the same thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And somehow, we're supposed to believe that John McCain's military service 40 years ago makes him a more honest politician today."

"Politics is politics and politicians are ultimately concerned with political power and their own personal political legacies."

I must lack any kind of objectivity because McCain's actions 40 years ago prove to me he is concerned with something greater than his own political legacy.

McCain's political record of bucking his own party isn't exactly a good way to gain political ground either.

On the other hand, running your campaign on the grounds of transcending racial divides while remaining friendly w/ known terrorists (william ayers) and donating 26K to a bigot who promotes racial hatred...that's not "politics as usual". That's a new level of shamlessness.

Not to mention constantly morphing your policy to fit whatever constituency you're pandering to, although McCain certainly is guilty of some of that too.

9:49 AM  

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