Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Lost in the story: Minister to sue Democrats over slavery

Buried in this Washington Times piece about the NAACP's never ending quest for slavery reparations are these two paragraphs seemingly unrelated to the rest of the piece.

The Rev. Wayne Perryman of Mount Calvary Christian Center Church of God in Christ agreed that pursuing the federal government is not a fruitful option. The Seattle minister has filed two reparations lawsuits against the Democratic Party, saying its role in defending slavery and opposing civil rights bills during the Jim Crow era deserves an apology.

"One of the problems in courts is that ... you have to show ... the government official who participated in it," Mr. Perryman said. "With the federal government the real problem is that it has never had a totally pro-slavery position, the Democrats did and supported it, while the abolitionists and Republicans did not."

The rest of the piece is all about the NCAAP guilting large corporations into apologies and reparations for their roles in slavery. (Which at the very least is a much better tactic than extorting money from the American taxpayer.) And while the thrust of the article is about thissearchh for other sources for slavery reparations, suing the Democratic Party doesn't seem fit the prototypical reparations profile. Biting the hand that feeds is usually not a tactic of the NAACP.

The lonely libertarian also wonders if author Brian DeBose really did his homework. Check out Rev. Perryman's website here. It's hard to tell from the website whether this lawsuit is merely a political ploy, or whether it actually represents a radically different approach to race issues and reparations. Either of those possibilities seem to be a lot more interesting than the NAACP attacking corporate America, yet this lawsuit is only a minor footnote in a larger article.


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